Ellen (12/22)
During my second pregnancy, we sought out Claire's care for the postpartum period after planning to give birth in a hospital. Because both of my children were preterm, we were not able to give birth at home. Claire's home postpartum care was a wonderful bridge between our hospital birth and the first 6 weeks with our son. Her flexible schedule supported our needs as a family as she provided well-baby checks, follow-up exams for mama, lactation consultation, and support for everything that comes with a newborn! I would highly recommend postpartum care with Claire as it got my baby and me off to a joyful, healthy start. Thank you, Claire!
Ellen, mom of Rowan (2022)
"I was so happy with my home birth. I got discouraged with COVID-19, but it gave me so much peace knowing I'd be taken care of at home. Thank you so much for your individualized care & believing in my capability."
"We had an amazing pregnancy & birth experience with Claire as our midwife. She possesses a beautiful balance of medical knowledge & expertise along with the emotional intelligence & respect for client autonomy that is often lacking from healthcare providers. She provided information, options & alternatives for the various tests & interventions common during pregnancy, & although she voiced her professional opinion & made recommendations, our decisions were always respected without judgement. Giving birth to my daughter was a very empowering experience, & I felt safe & supported by Claire the whole time."
"We have loved working with you for both births. I can think of no higher compliment to give than to say we completely trust your judgement and hope to work with you again!"
"Claire really helped me have the birth experience I was hoping for. I felt cared for, respected, & as though she really remembered & incorporated all of the information discussed in our appointments. Overall, this was the most personalized & thoughtful care I have ever received. I am so thankful to have been under her care!"
"Thank you for being so generous with your time & energy. ... I felt comfortable, safe, protected, & advocated for, & this made for a really positive, healing, & beautiful birth experience despite the difficult situation. Your knowledge, relationships, & trust within the hospital setting, combined with your passion for natural & home birth, was exactly what I needed."
pickle’s foot
Liat 2018
"I felt very cared for & listened to. It was very exciting for my family to experience another home birth with someone we knew & trusted. It's a special time to remember!"
"Claire was the exact midwife that I wanted to attend my birth. I'm new to New Mexico & was nervous about having my 3rd child at home because I had to search for a new midwife. Claire was recommended to me because I was looking for someone who is experienced with homebirth but also has a strong clinical background. She couldn't have been a better fit! Even though my labor was longer than I anticipated, when I started to doubt myself, Claire was there to encourage me & assure me that my labor was long but normal. Her soft personality made my home environment feel relaxed, and I never doubted that me & my baby were in the best hands for the birth. Afterwards, I felt very cared for & relaxed; it was the best postpartum I've had out of 3 births, and I owe that to the support from Claire."
Foot Print Photo

Photo by Erin Coffey http://coffeyshoppeabq.com
"We were very comfortable asking questions & getting advice, & we felt very happy with our care."
"I so appreciated your non-invasive approach. Your presence was always comforting. All of my people who were at the birth love you very much, as do I. I could not imagine a better experience with a midwife, and I’m very glad I chose you."
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Photo by Erin Coffey
"Thanks so much for your personal, friendly care. We loved how easy and comfortable our visits were!"
"Bringing Claire into our birth plan as our home birth midwife was the best decision we made during the whole pregnancy! Our entire family feels truly blessed by her presence in our home during prenatal visits, her calm and confident nature, and the joy she contributed as we brought another baby into our family. In the end our baby was born in the hospital, a sound decision that Claire made me feel a part of the whole way. She came to our home for all the visits following the birth, which was a really beautiful gift in those early days. Her nurturing spirit, strong skill, and calming presence will forever be a part of our birth story, for that we're so grateful."
Tai – Spanish
"Claire es conocida en nuestra casa como" la bebé susurradora". Ella entraba a la habitación y mi hijo simplemente se calmaba. Realmente era como magia, desde el día en que lo conoció cuando tenía unas pocas semanas. Conocí a Claire cuando estaba en las últimas etapas del embarazo. A pesar de que me dio buenos consejos cuando estaba embarazada, y fue muy solidaria cuando estaba siendo alarmista sobre todo!, realmente la conocí después de que nació mi hijo. Estaba teniendo un momento realmente horrible amamantando. Lo intenté por mi cuenta durante unas pocas semanas y luego llamé a Claire. Me di cuenta de que ella era muy especial durante esa conversación. Dijo que no podía ir a mi casa hasta pasado mañana. Y después de un breve silencio, ella dijo: "Lo siento mucho, sé que estás contando cuántos veces tiene que amamantar mientras puedo llegar, pero estaré contigo tan pronto como pueda". ¡Eso fue EXACTAMENTE lo que había estado pensando! Ella cambió por completo la lactancia materna para nosotros, y me hizo sentir mucho más confiada y tranquila sobre la maternidad en general. Nunca quise que ella saliera por la puerta, en parte porque mi hijo siempre parecía tan feliz de tenerla cerca, y también porque es una persona agradable y amable, además de ser una profesional completamente informada. El simple hecho de saber que tenemos a alguien como ella en nuestro rincón hace que enfrentar los desafíos de la maternidad parezca más factible, incluso hoy en día.
Tuve un parto en el hospital bastante típico sin mayores problemas. Estaba contento con la experiencia en ese momento, pero cuando miro hacia atrás ahora, lamento profundamente no haber podido trabajar con alguien como Claire durante el nacimiento y justo después. No puedo imaginar cómo hubiera sido tener una experiencia de amantar a mi bebe feliz desde el principio. Y obtener el apoyo adecuado hace toda la diferencia, y me refiero desde la primera vez que amamanta. Y creo que tener un alma como la de Claire mientras das a luz haría que todo se sintiera mucho más natural y seguro. Podrías confiar en que todo lo que sucedió fue realmente en tu mejor interés, y el de tu bebé. Y dado que Claire es una profesional tan completa, podría haber seguido ayudándonos a medida que mi hijo crecía. Tener esa continuidad de la atención es tan importante, y raro de encontrar, en estos días, creo.
Así que, aunque Claire me salvó la razón (¡y mis tetas!) en nuestro relativamente breve tiempo trabajando juntos, te animo a no cometer un error e invitar a Claire a tu viaje de crianza/bienestar tan pronto como puedas, durante el tiempo que puedas!"
Coo Photo

Photo by Lori John
"Claire is an incredible midwife. She is kind, knowledgeable, and supportive, and we were so lucky to have her care during my first pregnancy, birth, and adventures with a newborn. I had a long labor and some bleeding following the birth, and Claire and the birth team made us feel safe the entire time. I look back on that experience as astonishing and miraculous. Thank you, Claire!"
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Photo by SMA Photography http://sma-photography.com
loved our time
"I have loved our time with Claire. She always takes the time to make sure we are doing well. It’s not just an appointment, but a visit. She has become a very dear friend."
Sibling Photo

Photo by Lori John
"We were blessed to be under Claire’s care for the birth of our child. She is thorough, easy to approach, calm, caring, and has excellent bedside manner. Not only was she knowledgeable, but she always explained and clarified information. I highly recommend her services to any woman seeking a midwife."
"I treasure the birth experience I shared with Claire. She is experienced, gentle, patient, and kind. I chose a water birth and Claire was so helpful in preparing me. During the birth she was encouraging and comforting. Claire truly loves being a part of a birth and helping mom and baby. I wish I had lived near her for my other two births as my experience with her was my favorite. I highly recommend Claire's midwifery services as you welcome your little one into the world."
"Claire provides friendly, compassionate & professional care… She makes me feel comfortable with the care she provides."