photo by SMA Photography
Favorite Albuquerque Resources
Having access to good information and resources is an essential part of community-based health care. Here are some of my faves - though of course, there are many more out there!
- Claire Bettler, CNM
Simplemente Salud
202 Morningside Dr SE, ABQ
(505)266-0888 english/(505)266-0009 español
Fair prices for holistic healthcare in English & Spanish.
NM Breast & Cervical Cancer (BCC) Program
I’m a BCC Provider & can offer these screenings for free to those who are eligible.
Bold Futures
309 Gold St SW 87102 (505) 831-8930
Amazing group working for reproductive justice in NM by and for women & people of color
Comadre a Comadre
Peer-to-peer advocacy, education, and resources about breast cancer and breast health; english & español
Doulas of the Southwest
These doulas often host events at our shared midwifery space. They offer birth & postpartum doula services as well as placental encapsulation, yoga, & childbirth classes.
Carrie Murphy, virtual doula
Even though she's no longer in ABQ, Carrie's an amazing doula, birth advocate, & educator and offers virtual labor support & postpartum planning packages
New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force
Works to ensure that all NM families have the support they need to reach their breastfeeding goals
La Leche League, ABQ
Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month, as well as having an active facebook page & phone helpline (currently no in-person meetings)
NM Women, Infants & Children Program (WIC)
Provides supplemental foods to eligible pregnant/breastfeeding women. Our local WIC breastfeeding peer counselors are truly amazing!
Spinning Babies
Loads of information about ways to prepare & support your body & baby for labor.
Just Birth Space
Free virtual perinatal support from a reproductive justice framework.
Dar a Luz Health & Birth Center
7708 4th St. NW, Los Ranchos (505)924-2229
A variety of fantastic classes & support groups, many of which are open to the community (all virtual at the moment)
Kin Doulas
In-person & virtual childbirth classes & postpartum groups
Online Childbirth Classes (I haven't taken these myself, but some ideas for free or low-cost virtual classes):
Birthing in the time of COVID-19
Labor confidence with Lamaze
Pregnancy/Postpartum Yoga
Yoga with Avery Local in ABQ!
Yoga with Adriene Online & free
Yoga with Adriene: 5 Poses for All Trimesters
This one's free, but she has a prenatal series that people like a lot, too
Kate Buckles Photography
Annie Quick
Home Visiting Programs
I’m originally from the UK, where every new mum gets daily postpartum home visits. I think this just makes sense. Here are some programs in ABQ that offer this:
Home-based Newborn/Pediatric Care
ABQ Healthcare 2 You Newborn/pediatric checkups your own home
Beyond Birth ABQ Pediatric care, breastfeeding support & couplet care
Books (yes, the old-fashioned kind! And most are available at the ABQ Public Library & even online)
- Real Food for Fertility - Lily Nichols
- The Natural Pregnancy Book - Aviva Romm
- Naturally Healthy Babies & Children - Aviva Romm
- The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decisions for Your Child - RW Sears
- Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives - Aviva Romm
- The Birth Partner - Penny Simkin
- The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth - Henri Goer
- Mindful Motherhood - Cassandra Vieten
- The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body - Kimberly Ann Johnson
- The First Forty Days - Heng Ou
- Real Food for Pregnancy - Lily Nichold
- Queer Conception - Kristin Liam Kali
Family Planning/Contraception
Opciones Para El Control Natal
Integrative Medicine for Families
Aviva Romm
Menstrual Health
Green menstruation
Home Birth
Why Not Home? The Surprising Birth Choices of Doctors & Nurses (documentary)
NY Times Article - Dec 2014
Lancet Article - March 2019
Midwifery Care & Research
A Larger Role for Midwives Could Improve Deficient US Care for Mothers & Babies
International Confederation of Midwives (ICM)
American College of Nurse-Midwives
What is a Midwife?
Evidence-based Birth
Water Birth
ACNM Position statement
Evidence-based Birth
Waterbirth International
Postpartum Support & Mood Changes
Postpartum Support International
Postpartum Progress
La Leche League
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
Nob Hill Community Acupuncture
4118 Central Ave NE
I’ve had clients go into labor after receiving gentle, natural induction acupuncture here. Sliding scale, community style.
Chiropractor Laura Hobson, Healing Happens NM
2730 San Pedro Dr NE B1, ABQ (505)271-8888
Clients rave about how good they feel after an adjustment here! CranioSacral work for babies, too.
Balanced Pelvic Health & Wellness
Skilled physical therapists with specialized training in pregnancy & postpartum care.